Friday, May 30, 2008

So I misspoke

The perfet ending to a perfect day is a trip out for ice cream, although I always enjoy a visit from Spidey and Cinderella. Husband suggested it at the last minute so of course I jumped at it. Knowing that I am an ice cream expert, I will give my review. This place is located in our city, has a cow theme, grassy area with picnic tables, plenty of parking however, the service left a little to be desired. Now I know they are not looking for Ivy League grads when they hire for the summer but good Lord could they hire someone that can remember, "Two kiddie cones, one chocolate and one choc chip with jimmies." I had to repeat it as least 3 times and this was after she walked away from the window for a good minute and didn't say anything when she came back. Just waited for us to list our order. The wait to get to the window had been at least 10 minutes and when you are on your first trip out for the season then you need the ice cream fix bad. Overall, it was okay. Husband gave it a 3 out of 10 and I say 5. He tends to be a little tougher than I in most cases. Oh, the ice cream itself was decent but nothing I would get excited about rushing back for. There are places closer to home, lucky me.

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