Friday, June 20, 2008

Look What We Did

We went strawberry picking today and saw some goats too. I preferred the picking and the kids (ha, get it - "kids") preferred the goats. We, or me I should say, picked 6 pounds of strawberries at a very rapid pace. Climber was asleep in the stroller, Safety Boy helped pick for 5 minutes and quickly got bored and Crazy Girl couldn't be bothered with the manual labor. Why do it when you've got a willing mother? She was probably thinking, "don't they have these all packaged in the grocery store so we don't have to do this?" Within 20 minutes of picking I heard the tune "I have to go to the bathroom really bad" in a whiny pitch. Music to a mother's ears when she is on a mission to pick as many strawberries as possible. For whatever ridiculous reason I am very competitive when it comes to fruit picking. Whenever I see someone else with more fruit than me I feel the need to get more so it did not sit well with me I left with only 6 pounds. If anyone is interested I'll be heading out again before strawberry season is over. Cherries are the next fruit and will be ready in a couple of weeks. Mind you I have never had a cherry in my life and don't normally buy them but I feel the need to pick them.

Anyway fun was had by all. After our morning of picking we had lunch with Husband during his lunch time. Thankfully we ate early and didn't disturb too many diners at Joe's American Bar & Grill.

We are off to a birthday tomorrow afternoon and then our plans are subject to the weather so we'll see.

A quick pose in the strawberry field before said potty break.

A little bit of sibling love during our snacktime. All in the nameof making Mommmy happy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great blog - nice photos!