Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My First Baby

Okay, so maybe not my first human baby and he was actually my second dog but he was first in so many other ways. He was the greatest dog and he passed away in November 2007 at age 10. I still miss him and have been thinking of him constantly. Just had to put this out there. I know I'm not the only one who thinks of their animals like a child. Husband keeps telling me that once the old mutt that we have now is gone then we are done with dogs but.... I just don't see how I could not have another. I want another Albert. I know it's not possible but I should have put more thought into the cloning thing while he was still alive.

Notice the different fur styles. We live in an old house and in the winter it's every man, woman, child and in this case dog for himself. Suffice it to say Albert didn't have to worry about picking out a couple new sweaters for the winter season each year. I loved how I used to stick my feet under his belly when he was resting in front of me. He kept my toes so warm.
And for those of you who have asked me what is it about a dog that I love ... it's their loyalty. That sums it up.

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