Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You Gotta Have Friends

For a couple of days I have been thinking of writing a post on friends, even at the risk of sounding sappy (not usually my style). They are close to my heart and I love to be with each one of them. First let me start by saying that I love meeting new people and talking and/or listeing to what people have to say, especially other women. Maybe it's because of that it has opened up a world of wonderful women whom I consider my friends. I don't like to brag but I think I have the best friends. The fact that they are willing to hang out with me even after listening to my obnoxious laughter is eveident enough they are great.

I was never one of those girls in school who had a certain group of friends that I hung out with. Similar to nowadays I have many different friends from different parts of my life. There are those from my childhood who started out as my friends because our families were friends, you know the type. Lucky for me we have remained close through the years. One is even the Godmother to Safety Boy.> Secondly, there are my friends from high school and unfortunately I think there are only two left that I still talk to (Lucky them, they were both in my wedding and they looked absolutely stunning in those chocolate colored dresses but I digress). Then, unless you count going back for my nursing degree I don't have any college friends... none of them stuck. There is one the one girl from nursing school, who although much younger than me, we get along great. I am not saying that the young and older can't get along, you know what I mean. Then there is the friend I wrote about in an earlier post. As a side note, I do not know how to link in the middle of text from one post to another so if anyone does, please share your wisdom. You get to meet all kinds of people when you become a Mom and fortunately for me I have met many. There are also some friends that I have met through random situations so we'll just file them under miscellaneous (no offense). Finally, there are my old coworkers who are just a big hootin' good time.

I was just trying to figure out why I was writing this and I think I just want to convey to all of you that I think you are wonderful. Thank you for being a part of my life.

(Above picture is Children Playing on the Beach by Mary Cassat)


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